Family Day Care

What are the requirements for starting a family daycare in Turlock?
Small Family Daycare Home
Prospective daycare providers providing care for less than 8 children, as defined by the California Department of Social Services, are not monitored by the City of Turlock and should contact the Community Care Licensing Division, Fresno Regional Office at (559) 243-4588 for information.Large Family Daycare Home
Prospective daycare providers providing care for 9-14 children, as defined by the California Department of Social Services, are required to obtain a permit from the Turlock Fire Department and the Planning Division.Download Large Family Day Care Permit Application
Turlock Municipal Code 9-2-100
Fire Department
If the daycare facility will care for more than 14 children it is considered a commercial facility. Please contact the Fire Prevention Bureau at (209) 668-5580 for more information.