Landscape Watering Days

The City of Turlock has a year round water conservation program, based on an odd/even watering schedule. Citizens are encouraged to conserve water whenever possible, and to do their part to conserve our precious resource. Utilities staff respond to complaints regarding over watering. Seasonally staff patrols all neighborhoods in Turlock to educate consumers about water conservation and enforcement.
Winter Watering Schedule
Effective November 1st through February 28thEven numbered homes may only water on Saturday and odd numbered homes may only water on Sunday. Allowed watering times are before 9AM and after 9PM.
*The City of Turlock strongly encourages customer to turn off sprinkler systems during the fall and winter months. As a reminder, there is no watering during or within 48 hours after measurable rainfall.
Summer Watering Schedule
Effective March 1st through October 31stEven numbered homes may water on Tuesdays and Saturdays, and odd numbered homes may water Wednesdays and Sundays. Allowed watering times are before 9AM and after 9PM.
Watering Rules
Newly planted lawns will be allowed daily watering until the second mowing. When installing a new lawn, submit a request to be placed on the exemption list.Exemption List Request
Washing down or hosing of sidewalks, gutters and outside structures without permission of the Municipal Services Department is prohibited. Sweeping or brushing is the best option.
Filling of wading pools is permitted but "Slip-n-Slides" are prohibited.
Washing of vehicles at a residence is allowed only if a positive shut-off valve (nozzle) is used, in proper operating condition and is limited to one (1) washing per week.
Drip irrigation systems are exempt from the watering schedule, unless a Stage 4 water conservation compliance is declared by the City Manager (TMC 6-7-405)
Turlock Municipal Code 6-7-405
If you have any questions regarding the Water Conservation Program or if you observe water wasting, please call (209) 668-5590.