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Status of Candidate Filing Period

Voting Locations

The City of Turlock General Municipal Election is held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of even numbered years.

The City of Turlock City Council is comprised of one Mayor and four Councilmembers, each serving a four-year term. The City is divided into four electoral districts with one council representation per district. The Mayor and City Treasurer serve at-large.

Elected offices to be voted upon during this election and term of office:
  • City Treasurer (one seat), full four-year term
  • Member, City Council - District 2 (one seat), full four-year term
  • Member, City Council - District 4 (one seat), full four-year term
Candidates for City Treasurer must be a registered voter in the city of Turlock at the time nomination papers are issued.

Candidates for City Council must be a registered voter in the district of which they reside and are seeking to represent at the time nomination papers are issued.

Upon assuming office, candidates must be U.S. citizens and reside in the City (City Treasurer) or in the Council District from which he or she was elected.

The Nomination Period

The nomination period begins Monday, July 15, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. and ends on Friday, August 9, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. If an incumbent for one of the offices being voted on does not file nomination papers by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 9, 2024, the nomination period for that office will be extended to 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 14, 2024. A notice will be made available on the Elections webpage on the City of Turlock's website after 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 9, 2024 stating whether the nomination period has been closed or extended for each office.

Those interested in running for office should...

Step 1: Contact the City Clerk's Office for an appointment
The City Clerk's Office will begin taking appointments for the nomination period beginning Monday, July 8, 2024. Appointments will take approximately 30 minutes. Call the City Clerk's Office at 209-668-5540 to schedule an appointment.
Step 2: Attend appointment to receive nomination papers and election-specific documents
The City Clerk's Office will meet with candidates during the nomination period and issue all election-specific documents and nomination papers at that time.
Step 3: Fill out paperwork, collect signatures and make an appointment with the City Clerk's Office to file nomination papers
The deadline to file nomination papers is Friday, August 9, 2024 by 5:00 p.m. (or Wednesday, August 14, 2024 by 5:00 p.m. if nomination period is extended). Candidates are strongly encouraged not to wait until the last minute to file paperwork.

Election-specific documents are not available prior to July 15, 2024. Potential candidates are encouraged to review the websites and information listed under "Other Related Links/Resources"

Candidate Information

Candidate Information

Other Related Links/Resources

Stanislaus County Registrar of Voters
Election Calendar
Check Your Registration Status
Register to Vote
Voter's Choice Act
Language Assistance - Espanol
Election Results
California Secretary of State
California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC)
FPPC Manual 2 for Local Candidates

Ballot Drop Box

Information regarding ballot drop box locations will be updated when available.

Satellite Offices and Drop Box Locations

Accessible Voting

Touch Writer ballot marking devices are available at all voting locations. These devices can read the ballot aloud in English or Spanish. They have a universal plug for adaptive device compatibility. Touch Writers offer also tactile navigation and adjustable display text and contrast. Accessible Voting Equipment Demonstration - October 8

Remote Accessible Vote By Mail (RAVBM)

By-District Election

On November 4, 2014, Ballot Measure A was placed before the voters of the City of Turlock. Measure A passed with nearly 74% of qualified voters voting in favor of the measure which established electoral districts for election of members of the Turlock City Council by districts and election of the Mayor of Turlock at-large as required by the provisions of the laws of the State of California relating to general law cities.

City of Turlock Ordinance No. 1197-CS (TMC 2-1-05,06, and 07) stipulates that Council members of the two even-numbered districts shall be elected by-district in November 2016 for a term of four (4) years and Council members of the two odd-numbered districts shall be elected by-district in November 2018 for a term of four (4) years. A Council member of each district must live in that district and must be a registered voter in that district to be eligible to hold the office of Council member for that district, and a candidate for any district must live in that district and must be a registered voter in that district to be eligible to run for the office of Council member for that district. Only voters who live in a district shall be eligible to vote in the election for Council member of that district.

District Boundary Map

Elected Officials

The Mayor and the City Treasurer are elected by the voters of the City at-large. Terms are staggered with the Mayor and one Council member from District 1 and one Council member from District 3 being elected at one election, alternating with one Council member from District 2 and one Council member from District 4 and the City Treasurer at the next.

All Council Members enjoy the same power and privileges; however, the Mayor presides over Council meetings, signs official documents, and officiates at ceremonies and events. The City Treasurer is elected and serves a four year term.

Turlock City Council Members

Local Elections Official

The City Clerk serves as the local elections official and coordinates with the County of Stanislaus in conducting Municipal Elections. City elections are consolidated with regular County and State elections. Duties of the City Elections Official include preparation of necessary resolutions calling for General and Special Municipal Elections; coordination of the candidate nomination process, receipt and processing of initiative, referendum, and recall petitions, and declaring election results.

Other Links in the Elections Section

Election Results
Ballot Measures
Candidate Information

To contact the City Clerk, please contact:

City Clerk's Office
156 S. Broadway, Ste. 230
Turlock, CA 95380-5454
(209) 668-5540
Monday - Friday, 8AM - 5PM

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